Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lower Body Exercises: Flying One Leg Squat

flying one leg squatspacerflying one leg squat
The Flying One Leg Squat will not only work on your hamstrings, quads and lower back… it will also give you a great sense of balance.  This exercise is a spin off of the Standing Reaches.
  1. Stand with your right knee up, thigh parallel to the ground, and your arms up and out to your sides.
  2. Bend at your center kicking your leg back behind you until you are just PAST parallel to the ground.
  3. Squat with your left leg, trying to keep the rest of your body very straight.
  4. Come back up to the PAST parallel position and then repeat.
  5. When you are finished come all the way back up to standing and switch legs.
  6. Breathe in on the down squat and exhale on the up.
Article courtesy of Kevin Gianni and
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