Sunday, September 26, 2010

Full Body and Bodyweight Exercises - Wings of Fire

Full Body and Bodyweight Exercises wings of fire 1spacerFull Body and Bodyweight Exercises wings of fire 2
The Wings of Fire is a great warm up exercise to get oxygen into your lungs and upper extremities and to get your heart pumping.  This exercise requires a type of breathing called “Breath of Fire.”  This is a very quick and deep breath taken in from your belly through your nose and then forced out quickly, again, through your nose.
  1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart and arms up, sort of like the chicken dance!
  2. Breathe in quickly through your nose using your belly.
  3. Bend your knees and bring your arms down to your side.  During this motion breathe out through your nose.
  4. Repeat Quickly (This is a very quick motion… almost like you're a bird flying.)
Article courtesy of Kevin Gianni and
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