Tuesday, September 21, 2010



If you are overweight and look for exercises you can do at home to burn fat and calories read this article. I hear a lot of people who desire to lose weight but do not want to go to the gym because they fear of the shame stemming from the shape of their body. Fair enough, I would be shy to show my body too next to fit slim people in public. Body Weight Exercise at Home to Lose Weight I would like to suggest 5 exercises you can do to lose weight, all of them done at home or around the house with no need to join a gym. These are all body weight exercises that will burn tones of fat and calories inside your body. Be careful not to burst in flames.
  1. Pushups. I am sure you know how to do push-ups but just in case someone reads this and does not know here goes - get down to the floor on your hands and toes while spreading your legs about shoulder width and hands ab it more than shoulder width. Now bend your elbows to 90 degrees so that your body goes down towards the floor. Now push your self back up to the original position. If you can do 10 pushups at a time you'll burn fat and calories. For those of you who are more advanced you can adopt a different variety of pushups and place your legs higher above the floor, the higher you go the more difficult it becomes.
  2. Squats. Best way to learn how to perform proper squats is by standing facing a wall while your toes touching the wall. Now bend your knees to a 90 degrees position. You will notice that when you bend your body weight is on your heals rather than your toes and your knees and face do not pass the line of your toes. This is the correct way to perform squats. Now you can step away from the wall and try to perform your squats. This exercise will work a wide range of muscles and burn some more fat and calories.
  3. Lunges. Stand strait with both legs together. Now lunge forward until your thigh is approximately parallel to the ground. Your step forward has to be big enough so that when you lunge your knee does not pass your toe and your shin is almost vertical, this will prevent a knee injury. Now step back and perform a lunge with your other leg. Lunges can be done backwards and walking forward. When you walk make sure to remain bent all the way, do not straiten your self for maximum effect.
  4. Staircase sprints. OK, this exercise is a killer, it is done anywhere in a park or rugby field where there are lots of steps where the crowd sits. You simple burst in a sprint up the stairs all the way to the top. Once getting to the top walk down to the bottom slowly because this will be your recovery period before you will burst in another staircase sprint. If you do 6-10 sprints you will have done your exercise for the day. And if you really feel energized combine this with some pushups. Hey, I can smell fat burning, where is the fire extinguisher?
  5. Jumping. Well, enough said, when you jump your whole body mass comes down on your thighs when you bend your knees on the way down. It is a great fun exercise to do and you can even incorporate some rope jumps  if you wish to have even more fun.
Best way to perform these exercises is combine them all together and mix.
Have little or no rest in between for maximum results and rest every second day
if you do not want to injure your self.

Roy Gol is an expert Nutrition Adviser and creator and owner of Acai House where you get instant access to Truth about Six Pack Abs
I invite you to visit my blog and find out what Truth about Six Pack Abs has to offer. Start your journey to lose weight while doing fun exercises at home and eating tasty fatty food AcaiHouse.net
Roy Gol - EzineArticles Expert Author



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