Sunday, September 26, 2010

Full Body and Bodyweight Exercises - Supermans

Supermans work your middle and lower back, legs and arms.  They are fun because you can pretend you are flying through the air, instead of thinking about how many more you have to do!  Da Dah Dah Daaah!
  1. Start face down on the ground with your arms crossed in front of you.
  2. Bring your right arm out in front of you.
  3. Squeeze your butt on the side you are about to lift.
  4. Lift your right arm and left leg up simultaneously.  Make believe there is a string between your butt and your shoulder blade that is being tightened when you do this exercise so you will do it with correct form. 
  5. Lower both, making sure they don't touch the ground.
  6. Inhale up, exhale down.
  7. Repeat.
  8. Switch sides.
Article courtesy of Kevin Gianni and
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